Instructions for the Authors

Authors are advised to follow these instructions strictly; this will increase the probability of acceptance of article for review. Authors should report the research as per listed pattern:

  • Title of Paper (Short, grammatically correct, comprehensive and attractive)
  • Abstract (Purpose, study design, basic methodology, findings, conclusions/implications, use past tense, unstructured abstract, 200 words limit)
  • Keywords (Relevant to the theme of study, 5 keywords are required)
  • JEL Codes (Provide 1-3 Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) Codes)
  • Introduction (Background and motivation to the topic, purpose, problem definition, rationale, overview of various sections, use active voice mostly, less use first person)
  • Literature Review (Build strong argument, provide theoretical underpinnings, hypothesis development, use present tense, only use past tense for historical or developmental context/recounting events, found results etc. )
  • Theoretical framework/ hypothesis
  • Methodology (Population and sample, study design, instruments, analysis techniques etc., use past tense)
  • Results (Objectively report key results without interpretation, use past tense, use passive voice)
  • Discussion (Interpret your results, link results to research questions, Justify results, use present tense, use active voice mostly, less use of first person)
  • Conclusion (Conclude your research in the light of your findings and theory you applied to develop the study, use present tense)
  • Implications (Report theoretical, practical, methodological implications, use present tense)
  • Limitations and future directions (Guide researchers how they can work further to extend your research. Devise strategy, variables, potential frameworks, theoretical concepts etc. for future studies)
  • References (Follow recommended style only, provide DOIs where available, write full references, don't miss volume, issue, page numbers etc.)

Manuscripts should be typed in a 12-point "Times New Roman" font, text must be double spaced and single column. Every page in the manuscript should contain a short running head and the page number. This information should be right justified, whereas the content of the paper should be left justified. Page margin should be normal. Manuscript length should be limited to 35 pages for empirical articles and 40 pages for review articles, inclusive of references, appendices, tables and figures (see Terms and Conditions clause-h for additional page charges). Manuscripts above 50 pages are not acceptable. Number the tables and figures consecutively (one series for tables, one for figures, tables should be typed in a 10-point "Times new roman" font.). Place them at the end of your manuscript, but indicate the position of each in the text as follows:

Insert Table/Figure 1 about here

Each table or figure needs proper explanation in your text.

When preparing a manuscript for e-submission, the authors should remove all identifying information such as names or affiliations or author notes. Instead, the title should only appear at the beginning of the text. This will facilitate the blind review process. Authors must enter their identifying information in online manuscript submission form and in the "Letter to the Editor" and upload their manuscript along with the "Letter to the Editor" as directed in “manuscript submission” page. Authors should mention in the "Letter to the Editor" that they read and agree to IJMESS terms, conditions and policies. In addition, statements like sole submission of article to the journal, conflict of interests, co-authors' agreement with article submission etc. should be clearly mentioned. Authors are encouraged to investigate the data health by analyzing data for statistical diagnostics and assumptions, and reporting results precisely.

Grant/Funding/Other Acknowledgments. If author(s) availed Grants and funding, they have to acknowledge financial support or other assistance, please add an Acknowledgments note at the end of the paper (after references).

Citations. These are your in-text, in parentheses, alphabetical ordered, identifications of other researches you are citing in your paper. Every work that has a citation needs to have a corresponding reference in reference section of the paper e.g.,

Name and year — Many studies (Absad, 1987; Baron, 1988, 1992; Colas and Brown, 2000a, 2000b) support this conclusion.

Year only— But Smith and Maria (2003) presented conflicting evidence.

Citing abbreviations— The American Psychological Association (APA, 2011) suggested that parents talk to their children about family finances in age-appropriate ways. OR Children should learn about family finances in age-appropriate ways (American Psychological Association [APA], 2011).

Correct end reference. American Psychological Association. (2011). Dollars and sense: Talking to your children about the economy. Retrieved March 20, 2020, from

Order. Order citations alphabetically. Designate two or more works by one author (or by an identical group of authors) published in the same year by adding “a,” “b,” and so forth, after the year.

Multiple authors. For article written by two authors, mention last names of both authors every time you cite it (e.g., Adam and Eve, 2020). For three or more authors article, always write last name of first author with “et al.” in all citations (e.g., Rhodes et al., 2012)

Page numbers in citations. Use this format: Author, year: page number (Lee, 1998:3).

References. References are your entries in the alphabetical list at the end of your article or research note. This list should include only work you have cited. Our end references style is slightly different from APA style.

Research Papers (mention DOIs where available):
Shrivastava, P. (1995). The role of corporations in achieving ecological sustainability. Academy of Management Review, 20, 936-960.

Raja, U., Johns, G., & Natalians, F. (2004). The impact of personality on psychological contracts. Academy of Management Journal, 47(3): 350-367.

Arvinda, M. S. (1985). Getting a job: A study of satisfaction and performance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ahson, K. (1991). The knowledge-creating company. Harvard Business Review, 69(6): 96-104.

Research Papers (First View):
Zhang, J., Ji, M., Anwar, C.M., Li, Q., & Fu, G. (2018). Cross level impact of team goal orientation and individual goal orientation on individual creativity. Journal of Management and Organization. 1-23.

Brigs, F. & Mood, A. V. (1979). The organizational science (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.

For Government issued report/other reports:
U.K. Department of Manpower & Statistics. 1976-83. Employment and earnings. London: U.K. Government Printing Press.

Periodical article unknown author:
New Heights Journal. (1984). Advancements in technology: A threat to environment. September 24: 14.

Chapters in books:
Horne, V. (1992). Business policy: Teaching and research. In B. Taylor & I. MacMillan (Eds.), Corporate governance: 298-347. New York: Wiley.

Unpublished papers, dissertations, and presented papers:
Awaaz, N. J. (19931). Role of leadership in organization success. Working paper no. 66-72, Georgetown University Management, Houston, TX.

Luger, L. B. (1970).The role of personality development in children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Joe, J. J. (1996). Success in management practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas, TX.

Sootr, Y. (2009). Personalities and behavior. Unpublished paper presented at The Solar Usage Initiative, Houston, TX.

Electronic Document/ Websites:

You can use only few website references if the website is published by authentic sources. All electronic document references should include the author's name, if known; year of publication; the full title of the document; the full title of the work it is part of, if there is one; the date the document was accessed and the ftp, http, etc.

Steve, H.K. (2010). Wall Street vs Main Street. Retrieved March 20, 2012, from

Statistical Significance: Please report significance in the following format:

Sample Articles: Please thoroughly read these articles to learn how to write your paper and what reporting structure is needed:

For Economics & Finance Articles:
For Organizational Behavior, Management, Marketing, and Related Articles:
For Qualitative Studies:
For Review Articles:


The authors are encouraged to pay an author share of publication of USD 300 (authors should pay the bank transaction cost by themselves) after the final acceptance of the article. However, the articles are not rejected on the basis of authors' inability to contribute their share, if already mentioned in "Letter to the Editor". Every extra page (over 35 pages for research article and over 40 pages for review article) will be charged an additional USD 30 per page. Sometimes, authors accept our Authors' Share of Publication policy at the point of manuscript submission but refuse after article acceptance. In such cases, we only urge authors to fulfill their obligation but do not reject the accepted articles. IJMESS is a not for profit journal and does not receive any funding from anywhere for this noble cause of “spreading the light of knowledge” except publisher's equity. IJMESS uses this contribution from author(s) to cover the cost of review, copyediting, wide visibility of your research, meet its recurring expenses, and maintenance cost.

Important Note:

Authors are bound not to submit their paper to other journals until the final decision regarding the manuscript acceptance or rejection. If the paper is submitted or presented in a conference then author should inform IJMESS in the "Letter to the Editor". Authors should follow the publication ethics and guidelines strictly.

English Language Editing Services:

IJMESS has partnered with Charlesworth Group to facilitate our non-native English speaking authors. We believe that reporting the research is most important part of the research process. Authors can increase the article acceptance probability by submitting their manuscripts for English language correction and polishing. Please click “here” to submit your article and receive exclusive discounts from Charlesworth Group. Editing can be tailored according to the "Instructions for the Authors" recommended by IJMESS. For more information please contact Charlesworth Group's UK office at: +44 (0) 1484-506250.

The Use of Generative AI in Manuscripts:

IJMESS doesn't allow to use Generative AI and similar technologies to generate text for Literature Review or other sections of the manuscript. Authors should write the content by themselves. Using AI to generate text is not only unprofessional but also unethical.